High-resolution inkjet printers based on piezo technology
The piezo printer REA JET UP (Universal Print) is an innovative, high resolution and completely newly developed direct printing system. This all-rounder enables contact-free printing on a wide variety of surfaces, such as paper, cardboard, wood, coated and painted surfaces.

- Alphanumeric texts: Printing texts, serial numbers, product information or safety instructions on various surfaces.
- 1D Barcodes, 2D Codes and machine-readable codes: Marking of packaging for identification, traceability, quality control and high first-pass reading rates for efficient handling of flow and storage processes.
- Logos and pictograms: Application of company logos, dangerous/safety signs, product images and graphic elements for brand communication, safety and product presentation.
- Variable data: Printing of date, time, meter readings, shift codes and database content for traceability, quality control and inventory management.
- Traceability: Creation of unique markings to trace products throughout the supply chain.
- Secondary packaging: Marking of secondary packaging, e.g. cartons and cardboard boxes for optimized warehousing and logistics.
- Packaging marking: Application in the packaging industry for marking product packaging, both on primary and secondary packaging.
- Logistics industry: Used in the logistics industry to identify and track goods in transit, print shipping labels and improve warehouse and inventory management.

Discover the numerous application possibilities of our powerful REA Coding and Marking Systems REA JET UP, which you can use to ensure print quality in your industry.

The multi-talented REA JET UP (Universal Print) is a robust, high-resolution piezo-based inkjet printer.

Industrial companies today are facing ever greater challenges in terms of precision, efficiency and traceability. A key technology that meets these requirements is the piezo inkjet printer, also known as PIJ. The REA JET High Resolution Inkjet Printer is a high-resolution inkjet printer designed especially for direct printing systems and ensures the highest quality standards in modern production environments.