Verify code quality on plastic products
For product safety, quality assurance and functioning supply chains right through to the checkout in retail, codes on plastic products always have to be free of errors and perfectly readable. This is why code verification is one of the indispensable steps in production.

Error-free and standard-compliant
As versatile as plastic articles are, so are the markings they are provided with. Legally binding information such as EU trade standards, for example the EU plant passport, or safety and hazard information have to meet precisely defined standards. All codes and markings have to be correct in terms of content and, depending on their intended use, be easily read by people and/or machines. For this reason, the structure, content and readability should ideally be verified on the production line. We offer especially designed verification systems and verifiers for this code verification. The timely detection of incorrect markings helps to avoid rejects and ensures high first-pass reading rates as well as compliance with code quality and applicable standards.
What is important for verification systems?
- Inspection of legally compliant marking
- Traceability and quality assurance
- Fast, reliable reading of codes
- Reliable automatic error detection
- Flexible, powerful and expandable software
- Easy integration into production lines / quality assurance
- Can be used for different products
With our versatile testing solutions, we support the plastics industry in efficient production and compliance with safety and quality standards.
Application examples for our inspection solutions
- Code verification of 1D and 2D Codes on plastic articles
- Clear text inspection for contrast and readability
- In-line layout inspection
- Inspection of the correct structure
- Code quality verification according to international standards
- Inspection of the code for content accuracy
- Automated random sample inspection

Get to know the various possible applications of our code verification devices in the plastics processing industry. They are a crucial building block for the quality assurance and traceability of plastic products.
The plant passport confirms that the goods comply with the phytosanitary regulations and that their traceability is ensured in the event of a pest infestation. The passport has to contain the botanical name of the plant species, the registration number of the operator, the traceability code, the country of origin, the flag of the European Union and the imprint "Pflanzenpassport/Plant Passport" in a clearly readable and permanently unalterable manner.