Laser coding and marking solutions for beverage packaging
Logos, numerical codes, plain text: a glance at water bottles or drinks cans reveals many different markings, from best-before dates to reusable or disposable labeling. These can be applied reliably and permanently with our inkjet and laser coding and marking systems.

Direct marking of reusable packaging
Disposable or reusable? This question largely determines which technology the beverage industry uses to mark a bottle or can. Disposable bottles made of glass or PET as well as disposable cans can easily be marked with legally required information such as best before date and batch number using permanent laser marking. CO2 or fiber laser systems are also perfect for marking thin beverage sleeves and wrap-around labels. All details regarding the marking of disposable and reusable packaging are regulated in the German Packaging Act.
What is important for laser coding and marking solutions?
- Reliable operation in industrial production
- Easy integration into filling systems
- Permanent marking for single-use packaging
- Legal requirements such as VerpackG, European Packaging Directive 94/62/EC, Food Information Regulation (LMIV) (EU) No. 1169/2011, Lot Marking Regulation (LKV)
We integrate laser printing systems seamlessly into beverage filling systems of all kinds - for cans or bottles, soft drinks, wine or beer. The laser systems can be easily designed for the high production speeds of the machines. The codes, which are often very small and consist of several lines, have to be printed precisely and clearly readable even at filling speeds of 100,000 bottles or more per day. In addition, the production environment in the beverage industry is usually wet or humid. If beverages are bottled cold, condensation is produced on the glass, and sometimes bottles are also immersed in ice water during filling. Moisture is also produced during the pasteurization of energy drinks, soft drinks and juices, which the marking has to withstand. For this reason, printing systems have to be protected and should be equipped with suitable splash protection (protecion class IP65).

Industrial laser coding and marking solutions are used throughout the beverage, beer and wine industry. A wide variety of bottles, cans, barrels and canisters are marked with codes and markings.
Application examples for beverage labeling
- Non-contact direct marking of glass and PET bottles withCO2 Laser
- Laser marking of wine labels
- Marking coffee capsules withCO2 Laser
- Marking on the bottle neck with variable data
- Colored contrast printing on dark substrates

According to §32 of the German Packaging Act (VerpackG), all drinks packaging has to be clearly marked with the words EINWEG or MEHRWEG, at least in the same size as the price label. This does not apply to sparkling wine, wine, juices and packaging with a capacity of more than three liters.
The EU directive standardizes the disposal of packaging across Europe and aims to reduce the impact of packaging and packaging waste on the environment. In Germany, it is implemented by the Packaging Act.
The EU regulation regulates which information must be provided on drinks packaging: List of ingredients, best before date, net quantity, alcohol content in percent by volume (%vol) if greater than 1.2 %vol, caffeine content for energy drinks (not for coffee and tea).
In the LKV, the Federal Ministry of Health has stipulated that only foodstuffs with a batch number consisting of letters, numbers or letters and numbers may be put into circulation in Germany. This allows them to be clearly assigned to a production batch.