High resolution inkjet printer - demonstration machine in use at Sindex - REA JET HR

Looking into the digital future: A demonstration machine awakes to life

Everybody is talking about the term Industry 4.0. It will break up existing value chains and change the entire industrial sectors. The successful…


High resolution inkjet printer for backside numbering - REA JET Numbering

REA JET – Software for backside numbering

REA JET expands its software portfolio for the digital inline printing of variable data. The new REA JET Numbering software module enables the secure…


Universal Bio Cleaner from REA JET - REA JET

REA at FachPack: Always the best industrial coding and marking solution for products and packaging

At the FachPack REA is presenting coding and marking solutions based on ink and laser (REA JET), labeling technology systems (REA LABEL) and…


Ink supply in a different way - REAZZOTTI machine - Close up

Trainees proudly present their project work at REA's summer festival

The trainees in the mechatronics department undergo a highly interesting education at REA Elektronik. In addition fascinating internal projects…


Laser marking - REA JET Laser White Paper

Laser White Paper - A Closer Look at Laser Coding and Marking

When it comes to coding and marking products and packaging, laser-based product marking is becoming increasingly established alongside industrial…

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