Logo's en waarmerken naar wens en behoefte

Directe markering steeds belangrijker in de houtsector. Holzwerk Baur en markeringsspecialist REA JET hebben daarvoor op maat gemaakte oplossingen met…


Fiber laser systems for alphanumeric and data  matrix code - REA JET FL

Permanent and secure marking of metal and sheet metal

In the digitized and automated world of sheet metal and metal processing, reliable markings are indispensable. At Blechexpo 2019, REA JET will be…


High resolution printer at K 2019 - REA JET HR

Razor-sharp markings on plastic, rubber and silicone

REA JET will be presenting innovative solutions for the permanent marking of smooth and non-absorbent surfaces at the plastics trade show K 2019.


Software REA JET TITAN Platform - Blog

Industriële markeringssystemen kort toegelicht

Aan de hand van de modernste animatiefilmpjes beschrijven we kort en bondig het volledige dienstenpakket van de verschillende REA…


Piezo system for IPPC marking on wooden pallets - REA JET GK 2.0

REA JET at LIGNA: New contact-free coding and marking solutions for the wood industry

At LIGNA, REA JET will be presenting contact-free wood marking with ink and laser, such as CE and IPPC marking.

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